Overall Objectives

Overall Objectives

Section: New Results

Transcriptomics of symbiosis in the Asobara tabida-Wolbachia association

Wolbachia has evolved a very peculiar phenotype in the host Asobara tabida where it is obligatory for oogenesis. Transcriptomics approaches were developed first using Sanger sequencing of mRNA [19] . It has now been complemented by RNAseq analyses on two lines, which exhibit different ovarian phenotypes in absence of Wolbachia. We have currently analysed these data both to isolate genes that are differentially expressed, but also that exhibit polymorphism between the lines. Interesting candidates were detected that are under further investigation and that are involved in the regulation of early oogenesis, apoptosis, autophagy and oxidative stress. This part is in direct connection with the algorithms developed by BAMBOO for the analysis of NGS data without a reference genome (KisSplice ).